The Sprinkle+Bean Story

Our Story: The Sweet Journey of Sprinkle+Bean

Sprinkle+Bean sprung to life in 2020 as more than just a chocolate shop—it’s a homage to heritage, a celebration of Brazilian culinary traditions, and an ode to the simple joys of sweet treats and unique gifts.

The Best Chocolate Gifts are Made with Love and Family

While I began the business just a few years ago, the soul of Sprinkle+Bean goes back much farther. Four decades of fond memories and family gatherings inspired me to want to provide that same love and happiness in the form of brigadeiros—a classic Brazilian sweet treat that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

My Brazilian parents came to America for new opportunities many years ago. Growing up with them around New York City, I can recall the warmth of our tight knit family and how everyone, even strangers, were warmly welcomed into our home. I’ll never forget our Brazilian gatherings, bursting at the seams with guests, full of love and laughter and always – without exception – the beautiful, handmade brigadeiro. It brings a smile to my face everytime I think of introducing my American friends to brigadeiros and how eager they would be for the next time they would get to enjoy this delicious dessert.

A Gift Business is Born

After studying business and working within the financial sector, I longed for the personal touch and hospitality that I had grown up with. After getting married, my husband and I moved to Miami. Maybe I was inspired by the warm weather or the warm-hearted community, but I was inspired to try my hand at retail and opened up multiple food and gift shop locations. I found my calling! The business provided me with an outlet for both my creativity and financial background, but after 15 years of success, I felt a calling to begin something new, a business inspired by the brigadeiro.

I sold my business and with a dash of entrepreneurial zest and a hearty helping of family support, Sprinkle+Bean was born. For me, it’s the perfect marriage of my passion for gift-giving and my love for my Brazilian heritage.

Chocolate Brigadeiros Deliver an Especially Sweet Treat

At Sprinkle+Bean, we believe in more than just the act of gifting; we believe in encapsulating warmth, love, and hearty giggles into each carefully crafted package. Our brigadeiros aren’t merely a sweet treat—they are tender, handcrafted love bites that transport you to a realm where every day is a celebration, every moment is cherished, and every heart is a kindred spirit.

Here, we merge the timeless tradition of crafting brigadeiros with the modern art of thoughtful gifting (with the convenience of online ordering and doorstep delivery!). Each delicately adorned brigadeiro is a piece of my rich heritage, a slice of boundless love for hearty celebrations, and a testament to our unwavering commitment to add a sprinkle of joy to your special occasions.

Sprinkle+Bean is not just a business; it's a journey adorned with sweet memories, it’s a community knit with love, and above all, it's my heartfelt endeavor to share a tiny bit of Brazilian hospitality with you.

I hope our handmade, gourmet brigadeiros bring you and your loved ones a sense of love, family, togetherness and tradition to each of your celebrations, moments and gatherings. Come, let’s create sweet memories, one brigadeiro at a time.

Abraços (that’s Portuguese for hugs!)
